Friday 30 September 2016

How do rules inspire creativity?

I was sitting at a restaurant today and there was a family sitting next to me. The booths are connected, and the family has one child who must have been around 3 or 4 years of age.
Children at this age are curious. Half way through dining the child wanted to explore. Increasingly we are becoming more and more unstable to a degree in which our attention span is abridged. As startling as this may be, I would go as far as to ask whether our attention span and a child’s attention span is homogeneous?

What is affecting our attention span?

According to Martin Lindstrom in his book Small Data, technology is increasing our need for constant change and novelty. Therefore, we cannot sit still and do nothing when our other option is to keep occupied with constantdistraction and information consumption.

So what does this have to do with children?

I didn’t see this child exposed to technology, although it is not uncommon for parents to distract children with tablets, or Ipads that entertain them with games and shows.
What I found curious was not how the child was being parented, although I found it interesting that the father educated the child but stating that there is an invisible boundary between our booth and the booth they were sitting at.
This boundary cannot be crossed.
Mannerism is one thing, an assumption is another, yet taking away the privilege of creativity is something I would like to explore here.
I don’t have children so this is simply coming from a third person perspective. I do have nephews and I have had the pleasure of having that feeling of ownership and responsibility for them in public settings.
Don’t get me wrong by any means, just to clarify, when I say ownership I do not mean that I own their body, minds, or souls, I mean that I am responsible for their actions and my own in a given situation. The ownership is more in the context rather than the literal meaning.
When children get silly we feel the pressure of it reflecting negatively on us. Did we raise them wrong according to social standards? What are the social standards for children? Are they suppose to behave like dogs and listen to commands that we bark at them?

Come finish over here

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