Thursday 24 November 2016

Are you letting superstition control your behavior?


Have you ever been superstitious about anything? Do you believe in karma?
For the longest time, I held beliefs that people who believe in superstition might relate to and the common-sense person would not.
I believed that if I knocked on wood 3 times that bad things would not happen to me. I believed that I was even-steven, whenever something good happened it followed by something bad. I believed that when I had good thoughts, or that when I would calculate my wins I would automatically lose.
I fought hard not to think good thoughts, and summing up what I earned because I was scared. I can certainly laugh about it now. Before it wasn’t funny at all, it was crippling.
When bad things would happen, it would solidify what I had thought.
There was an experiment done by psychologists; People were put in front of a series of buttons, they were told to press the buttons until the light came on. People began to press the buttons and the light would come on, they would repeat the same sequence then the light wouldn’t come on.
When the light would come on, they would keep repeating this bizarre sequences like tapping on the wall or positioning their body certain way. The experiment was done with the light that would come on completely at random, it didn’t matter what they pressed or how they did it. But these people truly believed that they had figured it out.
Well, there came a period in my life where I truly believed that my superstition was very much a real thing and that I had figured out some cosmic way of living.


It calms us down when we are anxious about something. When I believed in 
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Wednesday 23 November 2016

How do you foster your relationships?

Love is complicated, it takes a lot of work, it’s full of ‘mis’; misunderstandings, miscommunications, mistakes, misinterpretations, misjudgments, misconceptions. The reason why we love is because it also consists of; significance, trust, care, respect, loyalty, emotion, compassion, benevolence, friendship, opportunity, and relationship.
The common 8 kinds of relationships are; Romantic, Business, Friends, Acquaintances, Family, Online, Mentor, Role model. They can be direct; someone who you have met or interacted with or indirect; someone who you follow and you have not interacted with.
Why are relationships important?
We depend on one another, even if it isn’t a monetary dependence it is a psychological one. We feel complete and are capable of so much more when we work together.


Not all relationships are good relationships, however, if both people worked on those relationships they would survive the test of time, okay, maybe that’s ‘impossible’ and if you haven’t noticed I don’t use the word ‘impossible’ very often.
Relationships can survive a lifetime.
To understand each other, we need to listen to each other as well as understand ourselves.
Who are we?
Who am I?
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Monday 21 November 2016

You shine just the way you are

Everyone has something they aren’t particularly proud of, maybe; cheating on a test, or lying about your name, or stealing from a convenience store. Maybe something about you that you wished was different, a smaller nose, birthmark, or an extraordinarily large Adam’s apple.
This can drive someone into a conscious self-disparaging torment. Your self-esteem is trumped when someone points out the part that you thought you consciously hid so well.
Why hide it in the first place?
We look around us on social media and see just how ‘perfect’ everyone else is. When this illusion becomes a delusion, we can then ask ourselves; was that pain necessary? Where those sleepless nights, and days of panic worth the self-sabotage? Are we really destroying our moral worth because of what we think other people think of us? How have we befallen on other people’s expense?
A habit, that turns into an obsession.
I have a confession to make.
I was once too a neurotic freak about my 
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Sunday 20 November 2016

Forget what you thought you knew about money and work.


One way I see money is that it provides leverage and a cushion.
Money is like oxygen, we can’t live without it, yet people have done so for tens of thousands of years.
What I see as our biggest challenge is when we do not have money we are vulnerable to having fewer choices in life. What we want to do, how we do things, where we want to live, who we associate with, and how we manage our time.
The difference between someone with money and someone who doesn’t have money is time. People without money get robbed of their time to do things they normally wouldn’t for money. People with money choose to do things that they want to do most times.
Let me elaborate on this because I find this a fascinating assumption/concept.
What if I told you it was all in your perception and beliefs? What if you could do the things that you really want too with the time you have?


I want you to sit on that statement for a minute.


Money is an idea it is something that is made up. We let it rule our lives because our mindset about money is all wrong.
We think money as the end goal, as the objective that we need to achieve. What if you flip that backward, and shift your mindset? Let money not be your first objective but your last. How would that look?
Imagine a world where you thought about what you want to do first, and your primary goal/objective was to get really good at what it is you do. What would be the outcome/by-product of that?
You guessed it, money.
In my life, I encounter two extremes, at one end someone who is suffocating because they don’t have money, and on the other end, someone who has a lot of it and is laser focused on the work rather than the money.
That’s two opposing dimensions, one is solely focused on getting money the other is on the work itself.
You might be able to relate to this cycle; You go to bed at night stressed and overwhelmed that you have a debt to pay, then you have a hard time getting up in the morning. Then you are dreading to do the things you don’t want to do because you feel you must, your choices are limited.
Life sucks.
It doesn’t have to. You are in control of that life.
To shift a mindset is not that complicated and it does take time. Just like any habit. Rather than instruction, it is the repetition that will boost the change in your life.
Why do you want to shift your mindset? Life sucks remember?
How we think about money is all wrong. The mindset must shift from wanting money to wanting to do a good job. I know this is the second time I am saying this; however, it is that important that it needs to be repeated over and over again.
When we strive to be great at what we do, paradoxically we are then compensated for our work.
How do you get out of the mindset of thinking that money is the objective?
Begin by acknowledging that your work is important. Doesn’t matter how trivial you think your work is or what kind of contribution you think your work is doing for the organization. When you start to take charge of your tasks, not just doing them, but doing them well with the utmost charisma and ‘wow’.
That is when things begin to shift.
You will encounter resistance. Resistance occurs in the face of adversity. (something I will elaborate more on in a future post)


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Sunday 6 November 2016

Articulate your story with this approach.


I heard this before I was interviewed for an event I was hosting by someone in the music industry. Ever since this saying stuck with me.
It stuck with me because it applies to the way we articulate stories, the way we write, and the way we understand each other’s point of view.
What does it mean? Who does it apply to? Why is this so powerful?
People love stories. They tell us about the person telling the story. A story is a tool that taps into our imagination. There is an art to telling stories, and communicating effectively.
After we hear something we tend to forget it. Why? Because it may not matter to us that much. Maybe our attention was someone where else? Or maybe it’s because we didn’t have the capacity to remember what was being said.
According to an article on aps, the association for psychological science, we experience something that is called “attribute amnesia”, that memory is far more selective. It is when we don’t expect to remember those things that we tend to forget them.
I was volunteering at fundraising charity event for LAPS, a local animal protection society, and there was a magician at the event. I asked him to perform his best magic stunt, and he said he didn’t have the props for it.
As he was showing me his phone, there was a wobbling business card on the screen and then what amazed me was that he handed me a card that seemed to come out of his screen.
I was amazed because I didn’t expect it. I remembered this because, yes, it happened a few hours ago and now I am writing about it, but also because it was an unusual occurrence. How does this relate to attribute amnesia?
Brad Wyble a post doctorate of psychology explains that memory is selective. Just because we pay attention to something doesn’t mean will remember it, paying attention to intention matters most.
It goes to everything we do in life. We read books, listen to music, walk down the road, drive, play, anything we do we will forget unless there is an intention to pay attention to what you’re doing.
Think about it right now; how many glasses of water did you have today? Or how many females/males did you pass on your way to work or school?
There was no intention for you to comprehend this data, therefore it goes into oblivion.
Now that you understand how attention and memory work, let’s get back into how we tell stories that matter.


Your message begins at the very beginning...
If you don't know why I stopped you, then you haven't read any of my recent posts. The reason is so you find this article where I originally wrote it! and find many more like it!

Thursday 3 November 2016

It is sustainable for human jobs to be replaced by computers.

How is it sustainable for humans to be replaced by computers?
We must consider 3 factors, but first, let’s analyze what sustainability is. Sustainability is a way to continue to progress over an indefinite amount of time. In this case, we talk about job preservation for humans.
Jobs are needed for sustainability because they provide humans with a way to survive and flourish. A job is a means to an end. The job gives us a means to buy food, water, shelter. However, to flourish it then becomes a mindset and individualized. What does it mean to flourish? Happiness, having wants such as social stature, recognition, convenience, comfort, consumables, selection.
So, we must then ask, is it a job we need or money to be sustainable since the outcome of a job is typically money? A job gives us money, which then becomes a tool to flourish which then gives us the opportunity to become sustainable for an indefinite amount of time.
We can further say that a job does not only provide money but also it provides meaning and purpose, which both are essential when we look at Roselands 6 Capitals where he argues either one is not possible to be substituted; Human (skills), Physical (infrastructure), Cultural (shared experience), Economic (finance), Nature (environment), Social (Connectedness).
What does it mean for computers to be smart?
Computer intelligence is when computers can provide solutions without having someone input data manually. When computers can teach themselves. The one thing computers can’t replace is human experience, the more everything is done by machine the more valuable humanist’s contribution can be, increasing rewards.
What about creating machines that are more powerful than humans, that make decisions and that are dangerous to our survival? Well, if we think about it, they already do make many of the decisions for us such as what advertisers choose for us to see, or who to date online; which can lead to who will be born. Where police patrol thus deciding, who will be arrested. The problem is that computers are too stupid, they make mistakes, and are already taking over.
As time progresses computer technology advances at an unprecedented rate. It is not a matter of ‘can we’ rather it is ‘when’ will computers exceed human intelligence.
Let’s briefly examine how this has happened already, animators are replaced by software that produces creative movies. ATM machines replace bank tellers so that we can have access to our money any time of the day. Textile became automated and replaced the need for human slavery. Or how about in warfare, drones are replacing human piolets and robots who scan for bombs replace dangerous jobs that dogs and other humans had done before. It is not just making our lives better; it is also increasing our safety and well being.
What are the 3 reasons to consider that machine replacing humans in the job sectors is sustainable? 
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Tuesday 1 November 2016

What does it mean to be successful?

“When you want success as badly as you want air then you will get it. There is no other secret of success.”

I spent some time looking through various success quotes and I settled on Socrates quote. I am not going to bombard you with any more of them.
So why did I choose Socrates over the thousand other quotes? Do I favor Socrates over others? No. Do I think other quotes are no good? Not exactly. My reasoning is this; success is individualistic.
Everyone defines success for themselves. Yes, there are influences that play a role in how we view success, and we will get to that shortly.
First, I want to begin by saying that accomplishment does not necessarily lead to success, I’ll give examples of this.
Secondly, other people’s perception is very different from our own, however, their vision can manipulate us into thinking alike, mirror imaging, I’ll explain this more in depth as well.
Let’s begin with how I define success; when I achieve self-awareness and I can guide my thoughts into a deliberate course to change my behavior and actions I have achieved optimal success.
Why can’t I define success for you? Because your version of success is very different than my version of success as you can clearly see with my definition of success.
I have written about success prior to this post, however, what I failed to mention in my preceding posts is the fact that we have been eluded to view success on mere accomplishments. We believe that if someone gets married they have achieved success in their family life, or if someone receives a promotion at work they are successful, or if someone earns a degree in school, well you get the picture.
We can already see the problem in those above statements.
I am not suggesting that getting married, receiving a promotion, or attaining a degree in school is a bad thing or a failure.
What I am proposing is that we must look at the importance and its contribution to our lives; a promotion or spending more time with family. Getting married or being alone working and traveling. Receiving a degree in something you don’t want to continue pursuing.
What I found interesting and the inspiration for this topic is how society’s norms of success are diluted and skewed. We tend to focus on the surface, we desire what others have until we experience it for ourselves.
Lead by example.
Having mentors, role models, and people we aspire too is a great thing. Having self-awareness is even greater.
When Socrates expresses to us about ‘wants’, success can become a substitute for other constituents.
What I gather from his quote is that breathe is vital. We cannot ...
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