Sunday 25 October 2015


Life is a series of routine habits, we can become successful when we instill constructive positive habits into our lives. If you develop a reward after a que a habit is born and you will seek that reward every time after the que (the Pavlov experiments with dogs, bell rings and dog starts salivating). It is a process, and a lot of us have become unaware of how our habit are formed. What ques sparks a habit in you? Whether it is a positive or negative habit, there is something that triggers you to behave. Positive behavior has positive consequences, same is true for the opposite. I want you to be aware of the ques that trigger your habits because you can be in control of this and break any negative habits within you. Ask yourself why am I doing what I am doing, is it going to better me. If it is not going to better me it will harm me and I will not become successful. Yes of course everyone needs a balance in their life, but it doesn't mean that you need to have negative actions to balance your life. Live life to the fullest, look for opportunities. If your not looking for them you wont recognize them when they present themselves in front of you. What kind of world would we live in if we solved all of our unresolved conflicts, whether they be internally or externally. At the same token if you cannot experience despair then you will never know what true happiness is, if you cant experience failure you will never know what success feels like, if you do not experience hate you will never know what love feels like. We are all in different stages of our journey, enjoy the journey because that is whats more important then reaching the end of the journey. My life habits have changed as soon as I became aware of the ques that were occurring before my habits were. I was able to exercise will power and focus on what will bring me satisfaction if I change my habits. Think of how it will better you and the people around you if you changed your habits. Failure is if you quit and do not learn from there mistakes, Successful people fail fast, learn and adapt. I have a habit of learning and not giving up after a mistake is made. A wise man once said that he didn't fail 10,000 times to become successful instead it took him 10,000 steps to becoming successful.My objective is to enrich and empower the reader to bettering your life and achieving maximum success through adding value. It is in mine and your benefit for you to make it to the top in both business and personal life. If I can do it you can too.

to be continued....

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Subconscious and Addiction

When you start looking for things they seem to appear everywhere you look. The power of the subconscious mind is astounding. The only way to filter out the cultural subliminal messages of whats right and whats wrong is to change your habits and to see the world from a different perspective. We are all programmed by society from when we are born, by our parents, the media, the environment, schools, and friends. These are all influences as to who we become as adults in life. Very few realize that there is more to life then pleasing others (pleasing others will not get you ahead in life, adding value to others absolutely will). I call those the curious bunch. They go against the grain and questions society's norms. Who created society's norms? Why do we believe in such notions? I believe there is a bigger problem emerging from our society and it is becoming worse as our human race advances. Addiction can be defined as the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Our future generations are growing up dependent and highly addicted to technology, smart phones. Past generations created tools for the future generations to be able to reach information at incredible amounts of speed and connectivity (It is impossible to process the amount information that is in reach of our finger tips today compared to 30 years ago). With that comes a double edged sword, we are losing our ability to be able to interact on a face to face basis with one another as well as our conscious mind filters out all the information that is useful and takes in information that will only lead to our demise without our awareness. This leads me back to my story which I will communicate during my future posts. I have changed my way of thinking and have grown addicted to learning. I am grateful for the interactions with the people that have changed my life, the opportunities and the doors that have opened for me since I changed my way of living and my perception on life is remarkable . I acknowledge and am grateful for the experience and I am hoping to teach my children and our current and future generations to fight through temptations in life through any peer pressure and rebellious actions I live to tell my story as a successful entrepreneur. My intentions through out these blogs is to add value to others by sharing my experiences in life and in business and by sharing my knowledge that I have gained since my earliest memory.

To be continued....

Wednesday 7 October 2015

New beginning

Each and everyone of us is unique. All of our experiences shape us to become who we are today. I came from a war torn country, Israel, to the land of the free. Without any connections or help my family struggled in my early years to afford a life that will eventually give opportunities to myself and my sister. We grew up learning to adapt at a very early age. Running into a bomb shelter every night when the sirens would sound didn't seem out of the ordinary until we arrived in Canada. The whole perception changes after that. I vowed I would pursaude my friends to leave there as well. It is hard to know any different untill you expereince the change firsthand. Listening to someone is not the same as taking action. My life continues to change on a daily basis. I feel i have a new breath a new way of thinking that will ultimetly lead me to my success story whome i can share with the rest of the world. Through per severance and desciplined habits anything can be achieved in life. You must dream big to become big. Small way of thinking leads to small results. My friend told me last night that he will read a book about me one day. I tend to leave that impression on others, not being egotistical, I want to lead by example and show that no matter how hard your childhood can be no matter where you are. There is opportunities standing right at our doorstep we just need to be open to those opportunities and seize them when they come around. We all have a uncommon story to tell.  I want to share my story with you.

To be continued......