Thursday 15 December 2016

Why I don’t read the news, and how it affects me very little.

“You haven’t heard the news? Syria took over Palmyra.”
“No” I replied.
“So, you never read the news, you don’t care what’s going on in the world?”
This is a conversation I had with my partner the other night.
Let me ask you, do you listen to the world news? How about the local news?
If you answered yes to either one of those questions, how does it make you feel?
Do you feel angry, sad, happy? Do you feel in control, or do you feel like you don’t have any power to do anything, but rather be a spectator of the savagery that is broadcasted?
The sad news, pun intended, is that the news is always sad. Okay, at least the lion share of the news is always bad news.
So, why am I not interested in hearing about the news?
Everything that is going on in the world will eventually affect me, my children or my grandchildren or those people around me. Why do I not take part in participating in the world events, or even in the local ones?
The reason for my madness is that I would rather focus on my choices than the choices that other people make. I would rather see my world the way I want to see it and the way I want to shape it rather than hearing about how brutal it is.
There is an old saying
“What you don’t know won’t (can’t) hurt you.”
As much as this adage is true it does have some limitations.
For example, not knowing something like a terminal illness, can and will hurt you, and the sooner you know about it the more chances of you being able to do something about it in terms of treatment, if not completely eliminating it from your system then at least prolonging your life.
My purpose is to create my own news in my world.
I don’t want to claim ignorance, and it may sound like I have already with the way I conduct my behavior and opinions.
There are terrible things that happen every day, a lot of which we don’t hear or see, and a lot of which we do. If I told you that there is more good then evil would you believe me?
Now that we are equipped with cameras and voice recorders we can all be considered journalists.
The thing about the media and bad news is that bad news sells. It sells to the masses. Fear is an emotion that is more likely shareable then happiness.
Mary C Lamia Ph.D. In her article Intense Emotions and Strong Feelings suggests that 
Come finish the rest of the article over here. No strings attached

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